Hari ini.... aku kerja... hiks sedihnya
tanggal 30 Desember.
sebenarnya tgl 28 - 30 des kantor ku buka. tapi karena aku karyawan outsource jadi libur semua. cuma demi kewajiban nemenin client jadi diminta piket boleh pilih hari. Ya aku pilih 30 deh.
Let see apa aja ya aktifitasku hari ini... setelah gagal ngajak date seseorang... sleeping lalu pagi ini, nyokap maksa cek darah... walah sgot sgpt dijamin naik, malam nya abis makan jongkong (cemilan tradisional supermanis)
lalu off to work... sampai di office... baru sadar dompet ketinggalan..
hmmm berpikir ketinggalan dimana ya? apa di mobil ? anyway menyelesaikan beberapa masalah yg muncul dan jawab2 email resmi.. eh diminta bos beresin install modem huawei big boss. OK deh. sedikit google instalasinya. ternyata big boss salah masukin password pantes gak connect.
humm izin ke mobil parkiran... gak ketemu... gawat... keringat dingin .... perut mules... ternyata masih laper. dikasih waffle hasil jarahan parcel dari supplier gak jelas.. horeeeeee. thanks.
baca novel The Lost Symbol. wow plotnya bagus juga. masih berkisar ke cerita mason sih. jadi kayaq film National Treasure..... sekarang udah kebayang sih plot nya si Dan Brown. dia selalu nyediain 2 plot. yg satu soal Art alias misteri masa lalu. dan Technology alias misteri yg berkutat pada teknologi mutakhir. Dan keduanya saling berpadu untuk menciptakan 1 cerita. keren juga lah. jadi tertarik ke Washington DC nih. dan membuat ku lebih terbuka pada iman dan kepercayaan budaya lain.
open mind, free thinking... what a beautiful world it will be
teng... jam 5 sore... oh no masih ada 1 masalah CR... hiks. segera selesaikan dan pulang. Say "Happy New Year" kepada yg masih ada... cup cup muah... (ok itu tidak terjadi koq)
pulangnya lumayan cepet. 6:16 keluar. sampai 6:40. not bad.
Pas lagi mak malam. ada berita di Metro... Gus Dur Wafat... whet ????? ckckckck sms nyokap juga ikut berdering. sekeluarga gosip maker semua.... buset deh...
lalu abis mandi buat kursi... hehehe kursi goyang... lupa difoto.. yah lumayan deh buat nanti tanggal 1 ada banyak ponakan mau dateng. bisa buat main.
setelah kecapean buat kursi diselingin banyak sms dari dok dan i tentang 2 hal yg sama sekali berbeda.... mandi lagi.... seger lagi... lalu siap2in planning buat besok acara akhir tahun bersama teman dan adik.
let see. plannya adalah
Lari Pagi with EvaIchenAB no pipit this time
Menuju PS beli tiket buat 6-8 org untuk nonton Sherlock
Malemnya. berencana untuk ke Pelangi Rooftop. sky dine. weleh.
semoga gak mahal2 amat.
Semoga yg lagi mau sakit tidak sakit
Semoga christmas present nya tidak ketahuan ponakan ku yg manis manis.. nanti habis dimakan... (it's a teddy koq)
masih gak percaya koq gw bisa ya dapet 1 teddy juga dari wed BenSadel
see you blog
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Trip to Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh
Seharusnya sih masuk blogger. Nanti di copy paste deh.
Day 1
Sorean jam 3an kali... dianter ke rumah Feli. Ternyata Lukas Feli masih jalan2 di mal. Duh gimana sih mereka itu. Ya udah temenin mom n pop nya feli. Gak lama banget sih. Begitu dateng all hell break loose karena barengan ama EvaIchen, PipitHengQ...... Seperti biasa gosip dulu dan mempermainkan Ashley... oh no... she's so g** ***n cute.
eeee udah mau jalan ke airport tapi koq Cencen n AB belum dateng ya... mulai ada keringat dingin... Cari HP. call.... susah masuk... misscall lagi... eh nyambung.... *dari kejauhan eva teriak2...* (gak deh, extreme Mode ON). hasil akhir = AB lagi OTW, Cen2 lagi email kerjaan kantor dan ke airport sendiri... OMG deh... so career girl.
NSIN (Not So Important Note) :
* Yang pergi 8 org. HengQ gak ikut. Ashley juga gak
* HengQ = yayang nya Pipit
* Masing masing bawa 1 BackPack and no more. cuma Lukas bawa camera tripod <= this is very important
Sampai di airport SH. di Terminal 2. check-in, bayar Tax ... terus gosip lagi setelah semua kumpul. Lalu foto foto sekalian melepas rindu Narcism nya. Lumayan deh latihan sejak kampus dulu... Menyaksikan Pipit mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada HengQ... he ????
Yah di depan Gate rame... dan bukan giliran AirAsia pula... ya sudah duduk dulu... gosip lagi.... Beli *Buck dan Cen2 beli Pastel yang enak juga. *nyem2*
Finally, in Airplane.... sleeping like a log.... for about 3 hours... ini sih biasa *Arrogant Mode* dulu ke Perancis 12 jam lebih....
(_ _)..ooOOzzzzzz
In Ho Chi Minh
Hmm kejadian yg paling aku inget sih waktu di imigrasi nya ditanyain "!@#!@# Vietnam ?". Gak begitu jelas jadi aku jawab yes. Tahu tahunya ditunjukkin paspor ku "Where?". Ternyata dia tanya apakah aku pernah ke vietnam sebelumnya... harusnya aku jawab no. dipermainkan officer immigrasi. great
cari minum gratisan. Dapet gelas kertas. glek glek... aturan minuman cair di semua airport memang menyebalkan.... tidak tahukan dia kalo kita terdiri dari 70% cairan.... emang bisa meledak ya kita ? hehehe
Kejadian 2 yg teringat lagi... paspor ku hilang waktu setelah lewat xray...... setelah panik bentar terus disarankan entah sapa untuk lihat lagi ke tempat xray. Ternyata.... jatuh di pinggiran rel nya.... pinter banget .....
next step... cari taxi. Ternyata taxi di vietnam kebanyakan Innova. jadi bisa pas berdelapan .... seperti sudah ditakdirkan.. hiks...
Dengan kemampuan negosiasi bisa dapet harga murah ke Benh Tan Market. Hmm begitu sampe disana.. semua kepikiran hal yg sama.... "koq kayaq di Jaksa ya ?". Apakah boys n Girls pernah ke Jaksa ? rame kalo malam.... banyak bule... banyak travel agent lokal untuk back packer miskin kayaq kita. bar bar, little night club. low budget motel.... yg 3 terakhir jangan ditiru ya...hehehehe cukup dilihat dari ... dekat aja.
Travel agen tujuan kita udah tutup. tapi gak apa dicoba di tempat lain dengan harga sedikit lebih mahal karena hotel kita ada di distrik 5, agak jauh dari distrik 1. dan karena kita males pagi pagi harus ke agen di ben than. (^_^). Pilih yang 1 day travel dari jam 7 sampai sore jam 6. Tujuan Ku Chi Tunnel dan Cao Dai Temple.
Langsung menuju tempat unik di vietnam... resto Pho 24. hahaha di pinggir jalan Benh Tanh ada 1 tempat yg katanya enak. jadi langsung deh jalan kaki. Sedikit tersesat (Cen2 yg pimpin jalan), sedikit hampir kenalan ama motor super seenak udel nya (by Pipit) - hati hati kalo mau nyebrang jalan. walau jalan 1 arah tetap lihat 4 arah ... kalo perlu lihat atas bawah juga. hahahaha...
Around 1 AM. setelah kenyang dan ketawa ketiwi ama om pemilik resto pho yg bisa inggris. Check in to hotel.... kita bener2 turis gak beres.. check in jam 1 malam. Entah apa yg dipikir receptionist waktu lihat kita rame2 foto depan meja, depan pohon, depan sofa, depan kaca.... pakai tripod nya lukas.... (lama karena mereka harus fotocopy paspor kita dan cek ke imigrasi... around 15 min deh. jangan lupa minta paspornya kembali loh, setelah mandi dulu...)
Day 2
Me and AB 1 kamar. dapet morning call dari Pipit jam 6an.... zzz. Travel Guide nya beneran jemput kita jam 7. Namanya Mr. Wan. Naik bis. Balik ke travel office, tunggu other tourist... and then... 3 jam perjalanan ke caodai temple. tapi mampir ke pabrik pembuatan kerajinan tangan. hmm banyak hasil kayu yg indah. pekerjanya banyak yg cacat akibat perang. Jadi pemerintah Vietnam sengaja buat pabrik ini supaya rakyatnya bisa kerja walau cacat. hebat....
Lalu kita sampai di Caodai Temple. Keren.. 3 agama jadi 1. Kristen, Budha dan Tao. Kristennya ada banyak dari unsur Perancis... penjajah pertamanya vietnam. Tempatnya cukup terisolir. Jadi gak bercampur dengan masyarakat sekitar. pemeluknya sekitar 1000++ mungkin sekitar 2000. masih dikit tapi yah unik.
Makan siang di resto yg kecil. kita langsung grasa grusu ambil tempat di atas pohon. cuma ada 1 meja. jadi kita mendominasi tidak tahu malu. hmm harga menunya lumayan mahal dibandingkan dengan pho pinggir jalan. hahaha... makan seadanya deh.
Di Kuchi Tunnel lumayan seru. denger presentasi singkat soal peperangan oleh mr Wan, dikasih lihat deorama underground tunnel nya. (ada tempat khusus buat pasangan suami istri, dapur, sumur underground dll). demo jebakan batman... maksudnya jebakan yg super nyeremin sih kalo beneran terjadi. hmm US jaman dulu memang so stupid ya.... dikiranya vietnam bakal sama kayaq korea... cuma bisa kebayang 1 kata kalo melihat sejarah perang vietnam... US is so "stupid"
Lanjut lihat lubang persembunyiannya tentara vietnam secara langsung. eh ada beneran orang yg memperagakannya pakai baju tentara. cuma si Cen cen yang bisa masuk. ada 1 bule mencoba juga cuma bisa jongkok. hehehe hebat. melihat Tank, bom bom super yang gagal meledak.... ternyata semua senjata mereka hasil buat sendiri dari potongan besi bom yang gagak meledak atau serpihan bom... lalu dipakai buat membunuh tentara US sendiri. Pahlawannya kebanyakan anak kecil atau petani... diabadikan sebagai pahlawan.. pilu juga sih dengernya....
akhirnya kita beneran masuk terowongan. sempit banget... dan sumpek dikit walau setiap beberapa meter ada lubang ventilasi. pas pintu ke 4 sekitar 20meter dari pintu masuk aku keluar deh... pusink dan lutut lemas karena menahan diri untuk tidak merangkak di lantai semennya. Yang sukses seperti EvaIchenAbeCen2 sampai di pintu 10. sekitar 100 meter. FeliLukas di pintu 2 kalo gak salah. Terakhir kita makan ubi dan teh ala tentara vietkong jaman dulu.
Pulang di HCM sekitar jam 6 an. macet.... sampai di benthan lagi deh. cari makan. lalu ke hotel. terus... ga puas. masih gatel semua.... tadinya mau Pijat. kirain evaichenfelilukas udah duluan. Jadi aku, ABnPipit langsung ke tempatnya... hmm lewat beberapa terowongan yg meragukan dan ketemu resepsionisnya, ternyata evadll gak ada. Jadi kita mau balik kamar. eh salah jalan ke arah kamar2 lain... hmm ternyata cewek2 yg mijatnya pakai baju seksi semua. hahaha... pantes feli udah melarang lukas. langsung dipecut masuk kamar. hahahaha... aku denger dari eva aja udah ketawa... si AB masih tertarik tuh. Jadi inget pengalamanku ke griya bersama Faran waktu di semarang. Jangan pakai aromaterapi ya... tambah 70rb... dan aku tidak mencium aroma apapun. hiks...
oh iya karena gak jadi pijat walau pegel. jadi kita jalan2 malam deh. sekalian cari jalan ke mall. lalu makan makan cemilan seperti kerang seafood, kelapa muda. Aku n Eva cari kebab deh. daripada makan KFC, kan rugi banget.
sekitar jam 11-12malam we are back to hotel to sleep.
Day 3
Yes our last breakfast. segera beres2 dan maksa minta titip tas ke resepsionis dengan tim negosiasi kita (EvaPipitFeli). kita yg cowo pada pose foto dulu deh. hehehe. akhirnya setelah simpan tanda terima kita jalan. Awalnya kita avoid Ben Than Market karena takut harganya mahal karena khusus turis. jadi pilih market lain. Tapi di market itu juga isinya kurang turis friendly. cuma banyak pakaian dan makanan grosiran seperti di glodok banget deh.
Anyway temenin beli snack buat dibawa pulang (Almond 5 kg yg murah meriah....5 kilo... koq bisa ya kita bawa terus sampai airport) Lalu memutuskan banting setir ke benthan..... dapet info gaswat. Pesawat Delay lagi. jadi jam 9 malam. sampai Jakarta bisa jam 12 lwt. wow Feli bt deh. karena senin ada banyak training dan kerjaan. Me ? sudah memutuskan sakit dan minta ijin duluan. hehehehe
lihat lihat landmark dulu. The Post Office yg besar sekali. Kathedral yang koq kayaqnya kurang jadi ya... batu batanya masih kelihatan semua. Ke Independence Building.... kayaqnya semacam gedung parlemen dulu tempat declarasi damai tanda berakhirnya perang vietnam. Lalu ke mal bentar.... very small. bagusan mal indo deh.
Sampai di Ben Tahn , me and AB memutuskan untuk pisah karena aku juga males lihat pasar dan lagi gak enak badan. I'm so out of here.... jalan kaki balik ke mall. eh dalam perjalanan... langsung baekan... ternyata obat nya sudah mulai terasa. Eh ada kafe eskrim. hore... coba deh. nyummy. sayang gak ketemu kafe kopi kayaq tipe starbuck. jalan2 bentar ke toko buku. nothing interesting. lalu balik santai ke Ben Tanh Market.
Wow langsung ketemu EvaIchen. Wow ada kursi lipat yg menarik.. Mauuuuuuuuuu... segera cari pedagangnya tawar mati2an... dapet harga .... sama... hiks. ya udah gpp deh. Cakep sih kursinya... Feli lihat... mau juga... Pipit lihat... mau juga... pinter deh. masing masing beli 1. jadi ada 4 kursi lipat. hahaha senangnya . kalo kecapean bisa langsung duduk dimana aja. cocok buat ortuku.
Ok deh time to go to airport. Naik taxi super nyaman lagi. ke hotel ambil tas.... oh iya beli makanan dulu buat di airport. bungkus pork sandwitch lagi. yg lain beli nasi steak piggy lagi yg super murah tapi enaknya minta ampun (mungkin karena faktor murah dan kelaperan jadi enak banget)
In Airport, segera grasa grusu beresin hand carry dan baggage supaya kita tidak kena baggage claim. Paksa handcarry semua. untung aku light traveling. jadi bisa bantuin bawa barang yg kelebihan. Makan malem di situ kayaq makan lesehan di depan emperan toko. bncc banget deh. hahaha..
Masuk imigrasi segera cari liquor buat bokap. whet ? ada commotion. ternyata lukas gak boleh masuk karena tripodnya harus masuk bagasi. wah bayar mahal deh kalo gitu. tapi bukan Eva namanya kalo tidak ngotot, sampai lukas relain lepasin tripod buat dikasih ke petugas rese itu. Tapi petugasnya tidak mau. akhirnya mengalah dan bilang ke lukas supaya tripodnya harus masuk ke backpacknya lukas atau kantong hand carry. Yo wes lah paksa. huh... bikin panikan aja. Mungkin petugasnya cuma mau duit.
Yah setelah itu aku n pipit juga cari liquor buat yayangnya. ketemu . wow promosi pula. cuma 20dollar. pipit beli 1, AB 2 kalo gak salah.
ok deh heading home. nothing interesting. i sleep like a log. dan di tengah2 tiba tiba obatnya berhenti berfungsi... pala pusink lagi. pas deh untung sampai. Dijemput ortu... (2-2nya)... aku berpisah dengan EvaIchen, FeliLukas, Pipit, CenCen, AB.
c u guys. so happy traveling with you guys and gals. sorry gak bisa ikut yg ke Phuket di Feb 2010.
Day 1
Sorean jam 3an kali... dianter ke rumah Feli. Ternyata Lukas Feli masih jalan2 di mal. Duh gimana sih mereka itu. Ya udah temenin mom n pop nya feli. Gak lama banget sih. Begitu dateng all hell break loose karena barengan ama EvaIchen, PipitHengQ...... Seperti biasa gosip dulu dan mempermainkan Ashley... oh no... she's so g** ***n cute.
eeee udah mau jalan ke airport tapi koq Cencen n AB belum dateng ya... mulai ada keringat dingin... Cari HP. call.... susah masuk... misscall lagi... eh nyambung.... *dari kejauhan eva teriak2...* (gak deh, extreme Mode ON). hasil akhir = AB lagi OTW, Cen2 lagi email kerjaan kantor dan ke airport sendiri... OMG deh... so career girl.
NSIN (Not So Important Note) :
* Yang pergi 8 org. HengQ gak ikut. Ashley juga gak
* HengQ = yayang nya Pipit
* Masing masing bawa 1 BackPack and no more. cuma Lukas bawa camera tripod <= this is very important
Sampai di airport SH. di Terminal 2. check-in, bayar Tax ... terus gosip lagi setelah semua kumpul. Lalu foto foto sekalian melepas rindu Narcism nya. Lumayan deh latihan sejak kampus dulu... Menyaksikan Pipit mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada HengQ... he ????
Yah di depan Gate rame... dan bukan giliran AirAsia pula... ya sudah duduk dulu... gosip lagi.... Beli *Buck dan Cen2 beli Pastel yang enak juga. *nyem2*
Finally, in Airplane.... sleeping like a log.... for about 3 hours... ini sih biasa *Arrogant Mode* dulu ke Perancis 12 jam lebih....
(_ _)..ooOOzzzzzz
In Ho Chi Minh
Hmm kejadian yg paling aku inget sih waktu di imigrasi nya ditanyain "!@#!@# Vietnam ?". Gak begitu jelas jadi aku jawab yes. Tahu tahunya ditunjukkin paspor ku "Where?". Ternyata dia tanya apakah aku pernah ke vietnam sebelumnya... harusnya aku jawab no. dipermainkan officer immigrasi. great
cari minum gratisan. Dapet gelas kertas. glek glek... aturan minuman cair di semua airport memang menyebalkan.... tidak tahukan dia kalo kita terdiri dari 70% cairan.... emang bisa meledak ya kita ? hehehe
Kejadian 2 yg teringat lagi... paspor ku hilang waktu setelah lewat xray...... setelah panik bentar terus disarankan entah sapa untuk lihat lagi ke tempat xray. Ternyata.... jatuh di pinggiran rel nya.... pinter banget .....
next step... cari taxi. Ternyata taxi di vietnam kebanyakan Innova. jadi bisa pas berdelapan .... seperti sudah ditakdirkan.. hiks...
Dengan kemampuan negosiasi bisa dapet harga murah ke Benh Tan Market. Hmm begitu sampe disana.. semua kepikiran hal yg sama.... "koq kayaq di Jaksa ya ?". Apakah boys n Girls pernah ke Jaksa ? rame kalo malam.... banyak bule... banyak travel agent lokal untuk back packer miskin kayaq kita. bar bar, little night club. low budget motel.... yg 3 terakhir jangan ditiru ya...hehehehe cukup dilihat dari ... dekat aja.
Travel agen tujuan kita udah tutup. tapi gak apa dicoba di tempat lain dengan harga sedikit lebih mahal karena hotel kita ada di distrik 5, agak jauh dari distrik 1. dan karena kita males pagi pagi harus ke agen di ben than. (^_^). Pilih yang 1 day travel dari jam 7 sampai sore jam 6. Tujuan Ku Chi Tunnel dan Cao Dai Temple.
Langsung menuju tempat unik di vietnam... resto Pho 24. hahaha di pinggir jalan Benh Tanh ada 1 tempat yg katanya enak. jadi langsung deh jalan kaki. Sedikit tersesat (Cen2 yg pimpin jalan), sedikit hampir kenalan ama motor super seenak udel nya (by Pipit) - hati hati kalo mau nyebrang jalan. walau jalan 1 arah tetap lihat 4 arah ... kalo perlu lihat atas bawah juga. hahahaha...
Around 1 AM. setelah kenyang dan ketawa ketiwi ama om pemilik resto pho yg bisa inggris. Check in to hotel.... kita bener2 turis gak beres.. check in jam 1 malam. Entah apa yg dipikir receptionist waktu lihat kita rame2 foto depan meja, depan pohon, depan sofa, depan kaca.... pakai tripod nya lukas.... (lama karena mereka harus fotocopy paspor kita dan cek ke imigrasi... around 15 min deh. jangan lupa minta paspornya kembali loh, setelah mandi dulu...)
Day 2
Me and AB 1 kamar. dapet morning call dari Pipit jam 6an.... zzz. Travel Guide nya beneran jemput kita jam 7. Namanya Mr. Wan. Naik bis. Balik ke travel office, tunggu other tourist... and then... 3 jam perjalanan ke caodai temple. tapi mampir ke pabrik pembuatan kerajinan tangan. hmm banyak hasil kayu yg indah. pekerjanya banyak yg cacat akibat perang. Jadi pemerintah Vietnam sengaja buat pabrik ini supaya rakyatnya bisa kerja walau cacat. hebat....
Lalu kita sampai di Caodai Temple. Keren.. 3 agama jadi 1. Kristen, Budha dan Tao. Kristennya ada banyak dari unsur Perancis... penjajah pertamanya vietnam. Tempatnya cukup terisolir. Jadi gak bercampur dengan masyarakat sekitar. pemeluknya sekitar 1000++ mungkin sekitar 2000. masih dikit tapi yah unik.
Makan siang di resto yg kecil. kita langsung grasa grusu ambil tempat di atas pohon. cuma ada 1 meja. jadi kita mendominasi tidak tahu malu. hmm harga menunya lumayan mahal dibandingkan dengan pho pinggir jalan. hahaha... makan seadanya deh.
Di Kuchi Tunnel lumayan seru. denger presentasi singkat soal peperangan oleh mr Wan, dikasih lihat deorama underground tunnel nya. (ada tempat khusus buat pasangan suami istri, dapur, sumur underground dll). demo jebakan batman... maksudnya jebakan yg super nyeremin sih kalo beneran terjadi. hmm US jaman dulu memang so stupid ya.... dikiranya vietnam bakal sama kayaq korea... cuma bisa kebayang 1 kata kalo melihat sejarah perang vietnam... US is so "stupid"
Lanjut lihat lubang persembunyiannya tentara vietnam secara langsung. eh ada beneran orang yg memperagakannya pakai baju tentara. cuma si Cen cen yang bisa masuk. ada 1 bule mencoba juga cuma bisa jongkok. hehehe hebat. melihat Tank, bom bom super yang gagal meledak.... ternyata semua senjata mereka hasil buat sendiri dari potongan besi bom yang gagak meledak atau serpihan bom... lalu dipakai buat membunuh tentara US sendiri. Pahlawannya kebanyakan anak kecil atau petani... diabadikan sebagai pahlawan.. pilu juga sih dengernya....
akhirnya kita beneran masuk terowongan. sempit banget... dan sumpek dikit walau setiap beberapa meter ada lubang ventilasi. pas pintu ke 4 sekitar 20meter dari pintu masuk aku keluar deh... pusink dan lutut lemas karena menahan diri untuk tidak merangkak di lantai semennya. Yang sukses seperti EvaIchenAbeCen2 sampai di pintu 10. sekitar 100 meter. FeliLukas di pintu 2 kalo gak salah. Terakhir kita makan ubi dan teh ala tentara vietkong jaman dulu.
Pulang di HCM sekitar jam 6 an. macet.... sampai di benthan lagi deh. cari makan. lalu ke hotel. terus... ga puas. masih gatel semua.... tadinya mau Pijat. kirain evaichenfelilukas udah duluan. Jadi aku, ABnPipit langsung ke tempatnya... hmm lewat beberapa terowongan yg meragukan dan ketemu resepsionisnya, ternyata evadll gak ada. Jadi kita mau balik kamar. eh salah jalan ke arah kamar2 lain... hmm ternyata cewek2 yg mijatnya pakai baju seksi semua. hahaha... pantes feli udah melarang lukas. langsung dipecut masuk kamar. hahahaha... aku denger dari eva aja udah ketawa... si AB masih tertarik tuh. Jadi inget pengalamanku ke griya bersama Faran waktu di semarang. Jangan pakai aromaterapi ya... tambah 70rb... dan aku tidak mencium aroma apapun. hiks...
oh iya karena gak jadi pijat walau pegel. jadi kita jalan2 malam deh. sekalian cari jalan ke mall. lalu makan makan cemilan seperti kerang seafood, kelapa muda. Aku n Eva cari kebab deh. daripada makan KFC, kan rugi banget.
sekitar jam 11-12malam we are back to hotel to sleep.
Day 3
Yes our last breakfast. segera beres2 dan maksa minta titip tas ke resepsionis dengan tim negosiasi kita (EvaPipitFeli). kita yg cowo pada pose foto dulu deh. hehehe. akhirnya setelah simpan tanda terima kita jalan. Awalnya kita avoid Ben Than Market karena takut harganya mahal karena khusus turis. jadi pilih market lain. Tapi di market itu juga isinya kurang turis friendly. cuma banyak pakaian dan makanan grosiran seperti di glodok banget deh.
Anyway temenin beli snack buat dibawa pulang (Almond 5 kg yg murah meriah....5 kilo... koq bisa ya kita bawa terus sampai airport) Lalu memutuskan banting setir ke benthan..... dapet info gaswat. Pesawat Delay lagi. jadi jam 9 malam. sampai Jakarta bisa jam 12 lwt. wow Feli bt deh. karena senin ada banyak training dan kerjaan. Me ? sudah memutuskan sakit dan minta ijin duluan. hehehehe
lihat lihat landmark dulu. The Post Office yg besar sekali. Kathedral yang koq kayaqnya kurang jadi ya... batu batanya masih kelihatan semua. Ke Independence Building.... kayaqnya semacam gedung parlemen dulu tempat declarasi damai tanda berakhirnya perang vietnam. Lalu ke mal bentar.... very small. bagusan mal indo deh.
Sampai di Ben Tahn , me and AB memutuskan untuk pisah karena aku juga males lihat pasar dan lagi gak enak badan. I'm so out of here.... jalan kaki balik ke mall. eh dalam perjalanan... langsung baekan... ternyata obat nya sudah mulai terasa. Eh ada kafe eskrim. hore... coba deh. nyummy. sayang gak ketemu kafe kopi kayaq tipe starbuck. jalan2 bentar ke toko buku. nothing interesting. lalu balik santai ke Ben Tanh Market.
Wow langsung ketemu EvaIchen. Wow ada kursi lipat yg menarik.. Mauuuuuuuuuu... segera cari pedagangnya tawar mati2an... dapet harga .... sama... hiks. ya udah gpp deh. Cakep sih kursinya... Feli lihat... mau juga... Pipit lihat... mau juga... pinter deh. masing masing beli 1. jadi ada 4 kursi lipat. hahaha senangnya . kalo kecapean bisa langsung duduk dimana aja. cocok buat ortuku.
Ok deh time to go to airport. Naik taxi super nyaman lagi. ke hotel ambil tas.... oh iya beli makanan dulu buat di airport. bungkus pork sandwitch lagi. yg lain beli nasi steak piggy lagi yg super murah tapi enaknya minta ampun (mungkin karena faktor murah dan kelaperan jadi enak banget)
In Airport, segera grasa grusu beresin hand carry dan baggage supaya kita tidak kena baggage claim. Paksa handcarry semua. untung aku light traveling. jadi bisa bantuin bawa barang yg kelebihan. Makan malem di situ kayaq makan lesehan di depan emperan toko. bncc banget deh. hahaha..
Masuk imigrasi segera cari liquor buat bokap. whet ? ada commotion. ternyata lukas gak boleh masuk karena tripodnya harus masuk bagasi. wah bayar mahal deh kalo gitu. tapi bukan Eva namanya kalo tidak ngotot, sampai lukas relain lepasin tripod buat dikasih ke petugas rese itu. Tapi petugasnya tidak mau. akhirnya mengalah dan bilang ke lukas supaya tripodnya harus masuk ke backpacknya lukas atau kantong hand carry. Yo wes lah paksa. huh... bikin panikan aja. Mungkin petugasnya cuma mau duit.
Yah setelah itu aku n pipit juga cari liquor buat yayangnya. ketemu . wow promosi pula. cuma 20dollar. pipit beli 1, AB 2 kalo gak salah.
ok deh heading home. nothing interesting. i sleep like a log. dan di tengah2 tiba tiba obatnya berhenti berfungsi... pala pusink lagi. pas deh untung sampai. Dijemput ortu... (2-2nya)... aku berpisah dengan EvaIchen, FeliLukas, Pipit, CenCen, AB.
c u guys. so happy traveling with you guys and gals. sorry gak bisa ikut yg ke Phuket di Feb 2010.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Gving IceCream to Me
just trying a new concept of website projects, i called "Gving IceCream to Me" projects. Here's some of the details.
==Gving IceCream to me
To give free Ice Cream to me. The real meaning from giving is to give those free freebies a real calculation value. I hope the value can be enourmous. *smile*
==Login Concepts
Anyone can input new User Name as long as not in the database (like MyBrute.com)
From there , new user must activate the login to start giving IceCream (like standard forum activation)
Public can also give ice cream without making new user. It will be limit for 100 IceCream
Any use get 1 control panel to decide IceCream to give
and AUTOMATIC giving schedule such as :
* 1 Every 2 days
* 1 Every 3 days
* 1 Every Week
* 1 Every Month
* 1 Every 6 Months
* 1 Every Years
Public can only give each IceCream every visit (can detect IP)
The Public giving is limit for 100 give away
I can only eat 2 IceCream every day (Auto)
Each Private Fridge can only keep 50 IceCream
IceCream can only be keep in Fridge for 1 months
I eat icecream using FIFO method (the first one in, the first one be eaten)
If the private Fridge full, the next IceCream will be in Shop Fridge
After 1 Million Rups, I can buy new Private Fridge
IceCream can be sell also. The buyers will come from any public visitors. The price will be at market price.
Shop Fridge can only keep 100 IceCream
IceCream can only be keep in Fridge for 2 months
The Stock priority will be in Private Fridge and the Shop Fridge
Auto Buyers will buy 2 IceCream every day (needs more complex feature such as scheduling)
make a list of IceCream and value market
Calculate How many IceCream i eat and market value for each time frame (average daily, per month, year and so on)
Calculate selling value for every IceCream type.
Cost for Shop Fridge electric cost (100 thousands Rups per month)
Any purging and expired IceCream should be calculated as separate Loss
Create the calculation as public view and make it like a financial reports status
All expired IceCream should be purging or
Give away to social charity
==Uncertain Feature
User get user (like in MyBrute.com)
==Gving IceCream to me
To give free Ice Cream to me. The real meaning from giving is to give those free freebies a real calculation value. I hope the value can be enourmous. *smile*
==Login Concepts
Anyone can input new User Name as long as not in the database (like MyBrute.com)
From there , new user must activate the login to start giving IceCream (like standard forum activation)
Public can also give ice cream without making new user. It will be limit for 100 IceCream
Any use get 1 control panel to decide IceCream to give
and AUTOMATIC giving schedule such as :
* 1 Every 2 days
* 1 Every 3 days
* 1 Every Week
* 1 Every Month
* 1 Every 6 Months
* 1 Every Years
Public can only give each IceCream every visit (can detect IP)
The Public giving is limit for 100 give away
I can only eat 2 IceCream every day (Auto)
Each Private Fridge can only keep 50 IceCream
IceCream can only be keep in Fridge for 1 months
I eat icecream using FIFO method (the first one in, the first one be eaten)
If the private Fridge full, the next IceCream will be in Shop Fridge
After 1 Million Rups, I can buy new Private Fridge
IceCream can be sell also. The buyers will come from any public visitors. The price will be at market price.
Shop Fridge can only keep 100 IceCream
IceCream can only be keep in Fridge for 2 months
The Stock priority will be in Private Fridge and the Shop Fridge
Auto Buyers will buy 2 IceCream every day (needs more complex feature such as scheduling)
make a list of IceCream and value market
Calculate How many IceCream i eat and market value for each time frame (average daily, per month, year and so on)
Calculate selling value for every IceCream type.
Cost for Shop Fridge electric cost (100 thousands Rups per month)
Any purging and expired IceCream should be calculated as separate Loss
Create the calculation as public view and make it like a financial reports status
All expired IceCream should be purging or
Give away to social charity
==Uncertain Feature
User get user (like in MyBrute.com)
Friday, November 27, 2009
See you Jakarta and hello Ho Chi Minh
Any moments now i'm going with Felicia, Lukas, Eva, Ichen, AB, Cen2, Pipit and her boyf Hengky?... i think. To Vietnam... hooray!!!!!! About 7 pm we will arrive in Ho Chi Minh.. hehehe i want to see the war relics. How about Pho ? hmmm not so sure about it since we have one in Jakarta anyway. Let see if other have particular taste in Asia's culinary , i might just get along with it to.
Oh my.... My friends asked me to join her in traveling in Pramuka Island. *sigh* what a bad timing. wishing to join you too. hiks.. Well let's just say i'm giving the other the opportunity join them. I never see me as a party goers anyway in fact i'll write about in my secret blog about how i see me as opposite polar magnet. (^^) *evil grinned*
what a melancholic guy i am. *sigh* now i really need to get of here and enjoy my holiday. day dreaming already. hehehe
and Monday will be full of energy to meet with a lot of work that awaits me.
see you blog
Oh my.... My friends asked me to join her in traveling in Pramuka Island. *sigh* what a bad timing. wishing to join you too. hiks.. Well let's just say i'm giving the other the opportunity join them. I never see me as a party goers anyway in fact i'll write about in my secret blog about how i see me as opposite polar magnet. (^^) *evil grinned*
what a melancholic guy i am. *sigh* now i really need to get of here and enjoy my holiday. day dreaming already. hehehe
and Monday will be full of energy to meet with a lot of work that awaits me.
see you blog
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Planning to vietnam started previous month, when my friends told me to go to Karimun Semarang but then got diverted by AA promotion for holiday package including hotel to Hochiminh.
hoping to have a good time there in 27 - 30. i'll post more when i have time. now i'm tired for all the pressure in the office
see you blog
hoping to have a good time there in 27 - 30. i'll post more when i have time. now i'm tired for all the pressure in the office
see you blog
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Good bye
hmm banyak yg dipikirkan tapi bingung tulisnya....
let see sekitar sebulan yg lalu sempet ada kejadian yg mengejutkan.. Nenek ku meninggal. Wow sudah berumur 75 tahun lebih. Selama setahun ini memang agak sulit keadaannya, haemodialisis sekitar 3 kali seminggu. Sedih juga melihatnya. Sekeluarga saling bantu jagain deh. Kadang bisa dibawa ke rumah, tapi terakhir sih agak parah maka dibawa ke rumah sakit Bekasi... jadi sedikit lebih tahu jalan tol ke bekasi barat.
Anyway akhirnya Rest In Peace juga. Goodbye waipho. salam buat waikung yang belum pernah kulihat. (;_;). ada beberapa foto saat penyebaran abu di teluk jakarta. Family paman n ii ku yg dari luar negeri juga pada dateng. jaga rumah duka dan sebagainya. cuti office 3 harian deh. jadi penerima tamu dan pengurus keuangan deh. Jadi ingat waktu aku jadi bendahara waktu sma.
After that banyak kejadian yg make me happy... such as ... 1 day driving.. totally 1 day.. hehehe dari jam 9 pagi sampai 12 malam...
Nonton Ugly Truth... ckckckck not all men are like that you know. for example me.. i have love too and not thinking women as sexy creatures. at least not all the whole time.... just 10% of the time. hehehe...
Sekarang diajakin ke Semarang ke pulau Karimun Jawa.... tapi batal gara gara lihat promo menarik di air asia... akhirnya ke vietnam... lalu tahun depan mau ke Phuket. duh tapi koq emailnya si abe apa ya ... dimintain saat login sebagai member hsbc-airasia... hehehe i know your secret number, be careful B kalo bagi bagi nomor cc.
Saat ini di pekerjaan sedang Super fokus. biasanya gak ... hehehe.. MUngkin karena aku di peringatkan dengan cukup keras oleh manager. lagi agak sakit pula. jadi gak niat bales apa apa deh. terima aja. Sekarang harus memperbaiki data supaya tidak jadi masalah dikemudian hari. deadline tgl 29 okt. sekarang udah tgl 4. *sigh* miss lagi. Tapi entah napa aku merasa itu bukan karena aku. kalo maksa tanya kenapa .. apa harus pakai nama ya sebutin nya. I hate blower. kalo pakai whistle sih ok.
see you blog
let see sekitar sebulan yg lalu sempet ada kejadian yg mengejutkan.. Nenek ku meninggal. Wow sudah berumur 75 tahun lebih. Selama setahun ini memang agak sulit keadaannya, haemodialisis sekitar 3 kali seminggu. Sedih juga melihatnya. Sekeluarga saling bantu jagain deh. Kadang bisa dibawa ke rumah, tapi terakhir sih agak parah maka dibawa ke rumah sakit Bekasi... jadi sedikit lebih tahu jalan tol ke bekasi barat.
Anyway akhirnya Rest In Peace juga. Goodbye waipho. salam buat waikung yang belum pernah kulihat. (;_;). ada beberapa foto saat penyebaran abu di teluk jakarta. Family paman n ii ku yg dari luar negeri juga pada dateng. jaga rumah duka dan sebagainya. cuti office 3 harian deh. jadi penerima tamu dan pengurus keuangan deh. Jadi ingat waktu aku jadi bendahara waktu sma.
After that banyak kejadian yg make me happy... such as ... 1 day driving.. totally 1 day.. hehehe dari jam 9 pagi sampai 12 malam...
Nonton Ugly Truth... ckckckck not all men are like that you know. for example me.. i have love too and not thinking women as sexy creatures. at least not all the whole time.... just 10% of the time. hehehe...
Sekarang diajakin ke Semarang ke pulau Karimun Jawa.... tapi batal gara gara lihat promo menarik di air asia... akhirnya ke vietnam... lalu tahun depan mau ke Phuket. duh tapi koq emailnya si abe apa ya ... dimintain saat login sebagai member hsbc-airasia... hehehe i know your secret number, be careful B kalo bagi bagi nomor cc.
Saat ini di pekerjaan sedang Super fokus. biasanya gak ... hehehe.. MUngkin karena aku di peringatkan dengan cukup keras oleh manager. lagi agak sakit pula. jadi gak niat bales apa apa deh. terima aja. Sekarang harus memperbaiki data supaya tidak jadi masalah dikemudian hari. deadline tgl 29 okt. sekarang udah tgl 4. *sigh* miss lagi. Tapi entah napa aku merasa itu bukan karena aku. kalo maksa tanya kenapa .. apa harus pakai nama ya sebutin nya. I hate blower. kalo pakai whistle sih ok.
see you blog
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Wireless Connection
baru saja beli wireless-g usb adapter untuk laptop adik yg tidak ada wireless lan nya.
boleh juga dan mudah instalasi maupun penggunaannya. lagi di lantai dasar @home. Wifi nya di lt 2 kamarku.
hmm kemarin habis ada kejadian happy. hehehe... apa itu ? well berhubungan dengan pizza sih.
see you blog
boleh juga dan mudah instalasi maupun penggunaannya. lagi di lantai dasar @home. Wifi nya di lt 2 kamarku.
hmm kemarin habis ada kejadian happy. hehehe... apa itu ? well berhubungan dengan pizza sih.
see you blog
Friday, July 03, 2009
Make a fun out of yourself
I was thinking of making a 4panel comic strips
well just some silly ideas.
1. a boy take a shower.... thinking how long his hair and planning to do a haircut.
2. Take a shampoo while humming "silly me song"
3. take a shampoo while " i better not do this again. or i have a dementia problem"
4. taking the same shampoo "Dejavu. no wonder yesterday my hair smell very good."
see you blog
well just some silly ideas.
1. a boy take a shower.... thinking how long his hair and planning to do a haircut.
2. Take a shampoo while humming "silly me song"
3. take a shampoo while " i better not do this again. or i have a dementia problem"
4. taking the same shampoo "Dejavu. no wonder yesterday my hair smell very good."
see you blog
Sunday, June 21, 2009
So Many Weding
hmm banyak sekali wedding yang mau aku ceritakan
pertama ada wedding Vita dulu. meet so many friends. and awal mula gosip di facebook. *sigh* cape deh. well at least ada sesuatu yang aku bisa dapatkan deh. experience and some photos.
lalu ada juga Wedding Cecilia, temanku waktu SMP Samaria. congrats to her. hmm kayaqnya suaminya belanda ya?
Next is Wedding Fany A di semarang. yang ini lumayan panjang ceritanya. mulai dari pesan tiket online by fany... thanks fan. lalu kami bertiga (me, faran and i) ke semarang jumat malam. Ketemu jg dengan teman fany sesama blogger di bandara. Eh ada yang namanya ichanx ? keliahtannya dia buat buku "Bankir sesaat" tapi a-nya dicoret 1)
Well sampai disemarang dianter Fany ke tempat losmen keluarga Dita Mahendra. tempatnya lumayan bagus, small but comfy. kamar ku n faran punya kamar mandi tepat di luar pintunya. sampai jam 10an mulai pada mau kelayapan deh. apalagi si faran. jadilah kita bertiga keluar. Si i pergi sama temannya, kita menuju citraland. tapi karena sudah mau tutup kita jalan2 di warung2 depan nya deh. minum sekoteng untuk menghangatkan badan dan si faran makan ayam kalasan (rakus sekali dia ya.. padahal sudah makan malam sebelumnya di sukarno hatta, 62 ribu loh)
anyway sekitar 12an kita kembali ke kamar dan seperti biasa dia gangguin aku supaya gak bisa tidur lalu setelah dia mau tidur aku yg balik gangguin dia. hahahaha
besoknya kita siap2 ke Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, naik taxi biar cepat. Well resepsinya lumayan keren. Aneh juga sih kita dateng jam 11 kurang 5 menit, masih belum ada org sih. tapi pengantin nya udah didepat pelaminan. baru beberapa menit kemudian banyak antrian untuk salaman akhirnya kita juga ikutan. Apa jangan2 kita kecepetan masuk ya?. yah pokoknya dapet makanan juga deh. Ketemu Yayuk dan Inge. Jadilah kita perwakilan BNCC deh.
After that menuju rumah inge dan naik mobilnya ke Kampung Laut. waaaa tempatnya enak juga jadi pueweee.. bisa melihat laut dan org mancing.... zzzz kadang juga melihat ada cewek yang lagi pose aneh aneh.... unbelievable.. hahahaha
after that kita ke Citraland, karena ada yang mau shopping lalu dianter temannya i ke bandara deh. After that i sleep well at home.
Today. si Faran baru kasih tahu aku kalo si Hoesin dan Tannivi married. O M G hampir gak sempat siap siap. akhirnya aku ke rumah eva dulu deh baru rame2 ke hotel orchid nya. Dasar Faran pasti dia lupa untuk kasih tahu aku.
Eh ada gosip baru soal Abe (sssttt....... jangan dibilang disini deh). Di resepsi situ ketemu Awei n his gf, lalu Medea (hampir lupa namanya), Er n Roy. Sayang aku lagi buru buru jadi banyak yg ketinggalan deh terutama CamDig.
Kabar om Roy kurus ternyata yg lain baru tahu toh. aku sih udah tahu duluan karena pernah ketemu Roy waktu pertemuan Software House ku di tempat klien. Hebat deh buat Roy.... apa aku perlu seperti itu juga ya? Hiks... i love me...
Setelah dari tempat resepsi pada spontan ke Grogol Food court. Deket sekali dengan rumahku. udah pernah sih sekali sekarang jadi ke 2 deh. Ada tambahan orang si Chen2 dan Yanny. sisanya diculik paksa. hehehehe
Nice to meet them again my senior.
see you blog
pertama ada wedding Vita dulu. meet so many friends. and awal mula gosip di facebook. *sigh* cape deh. well at least ada sesuatu yang aku bisa dapatkan deh. experience and some photos.
lalu ada juga Wedding Cecilia, temanku waktu SMP Samaria. congrats to her. hmm kayaqnya suaminya belanda ya?
Next is Wedding Fany A di semarang. yang ini lumayan panjang ceritanya. mulai dari pesan tiket online by fany... thanks fan. lalu kami bertiga (me, faran and i) ke semarang jumat malam. Ketemu jg dengan teman fany sesama blogger di bandara. Eh ada yang namanya ichanx ? keliahtannya dia buat buku "Bankir sesaat" tapi a-nya dicoret 1)
Well sampai disemarang dianter Fany ke tempat losmen keluarga Dita Mahendra. tempatnya lumayan bagus, small but comfy. kamar ku n faran punya kamar mandi tepat di luar pintunya. sampai jam 10an mulai pada mau kelayapan deh. apalagi si faran. jadilah kita bertiga keluar. Si i pergi sama temannya, kita menuju citraland. tapi karena sudah mau tutup kita jalan2 di warung2 depan nya deh. minum sekoteng untuk menghangatkan badan dan si faran makan ayam kalasan (rakus sekali dia ya.. padahal sudah makan malam sebelumnya di sukarno hatta, 62 ribu loh)
anyway sekitar 12an kita kembali ke kamar dan seperti biasa dia gangguin aku supaya gak bisa tidur lalu setelah dia mau tidur aku yg balik gangguin dia. hahahaha
besoknya kita siap2 ke Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, naik taxi biar cepat. Well resepsinya lumayan keren. Aneh juga sih kita dateng jam 11 kurang 5 menit, masih belum ada org sih. tapi pengantin nya udah didepat pelaminan. baru beberapa menit kemudian banyak antrian untuk salaman akhirnya kita juga ikutan. Apa jangan2 kita kecepetan masuk ya?. yah pokoknya dapet makanan juga deh. Ketemu Yayuk dan Inge. Jadilah kita perwakilan BNCC deh.
After that menuju rumah inge dan naik mobilnya ke Kampung Laut. waaaa tempatnya enak juga jadi pueweee.. bisa melihat laut dan org mancing.... zzzz kadang juga melihat ada cewek yang lagi pose aneh aneh.... unbelievable.. hahahaha
after that kita ke Citraland, karena ada yang mau shopping lalu dianter temannya i ke bandara deh. After that i sleep well at home.
Today. si Faran baru kasih tahu aku kalo si Hoesin dan Tannivi married. O M G hampir gak sempat siap siap. akhirnya aku ke rumah eva dulu deh baru rame2 ke hotel orchid nya. Dasar Faran pasti dia lupa untuk kasih tahu aku.
Eh ada gosip baru soal Abe (sssttt....... jangan dibilang disini deh). Di resepsi situ ketemu Awei n his gf, lalu Medea (hampir lupa namanya), Er n Roy. Sayang aku lagi buru buru jadi banyak yg ketinggalan deh terutama CamDig.
Kabar om Roy kurus ternyata yg lain baru tahu toh. aku sih udah tahu duluan karena pernah ketemu Roy waktu pertemuan Software House ku di tempat klien. Hebat deh buat Roy.... apa aku perlu seperti itu juga ya? Hiks... i love me...
Setelah dari tempat resepsi pada spontan ke Grogol Food court. Deket sekali dengan rumahku. udah pernah sih sekali sekarang jadi ke 2 deh. Ada tambahan orang si Chen2 dan Yanny. sisanya diculik paksa. hehehehe
Nice to meet them again my senior.
see you blog
Friday, May 22, 2009
Silly Girl and too Cool of a Guy
Hmm lagi nonton anime lucu lagi.
judulnya Itazura no Kiss
Gak tahu sih artinya apa. tapi cerita lucu banget... walau agak kasihan. Tentang seoarang cewek yg yah "agak silly" dan selalu masuk kelas F (kelas yg nilainya paling jelek) dan suka banget sama Cowok yg super keren, super pinter (jenius), super dingin di kelas A (no 1)
Ceweknya kasih surat cinta. langsung ditolak.... mentah2... Berikutnya adalah berbagai kesialan yg menimpa itu cewek. dari rumahnya hancur, pindah ke rumah temen papanya. yg ternyata adalah papanya si cowok itu. dan cowok suka banget isengin tu cewek, dan suka bicara judes banget. gila banget deh. dan ceweknya juga berani banget sih. sering banget mengakibatkan kesialan buat itu cowok juga. jadi 2-2 nya sama saling menjatuhkan sih.... hehehe dan dari situ well muncul sedikit romantisme deh.
baru ep 5 sih. tapi yah boleh juga. Hmm mungkin ada kemiripan dengan aku dengan si cewek.... bukan dalam bid intelegensi dunk. hahahaha. tapi feeling bahwa "berusaha untuk mencintai tapi tidak mau yg dicintai merasa terganggu dengan cintanya" jadi dilema deh.
abis upload banyak foto narsis nan jijay di FB. semoga aku lebih mencintai diri sendiri. yes i love me.... \(^o^)/
see you blog
judulnya Itazura no Kiss
Gak tahu sih artinya apa. tapi cerita lucu banget... walau agak kasihan. Tentang seoarang cewek yg yah "agak silly" dan selalu masuk kelas F (kelas yg nilainya paling jelek) dan suka banget sama Cowok yg super keren, super pinter (jenius), super dingin di kelas A (no 1)
Ceweknya kasih surat cinta. langsung ditolak.... mentah2... Berikutnya adalah berbagai kesialan yg menimpa itu cewek. dari rumahnya hancur, pindah ke rumah temen papanya. yg ternyata adalah papanya si cowok itu. dan cowok suka banget isengin tu cewek, dan suka bicara judes banget. gila banget deh. dan ceweknya juga berani banget sih. sering banget mengakibatkan kesialan buat itu cowok juga. jadi 2-2 nya sama saling menjatuhkan sih.... hehehe dan dari situ well muncul sedikit romantisme deh.
baru ep 5 sih. tapi yah boleh juga. Hmm mungkin ada kemiripan dengan aku dengan si cewek.... bukan dalam bid intelegensi dunk. hahahaha. tapi feeling bahwa "berusaha untuk mencintai tapi tidak mau yg dicintai merasa terganggu dengan cintanya" jadi dilema deh.
abis upload banyak foto narsis nan jijay di FB. semoga aku lebih mencintai diri sendiri. yes i love me.... \(^o^)/
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Monday, May 18, 2009
Yesterday 17 Mei 2009, I was asked to give a presentation about Mindset by my junior in BNCC, it was a very broad topic which i managed to trim it into 1 specific topic which is Mindset of Confidence.
I dunno why the choose me for this. Perhaps because that seniors jerk too lazy to do the presentation. hehehehehe... even so i still trust my old motto "Sharing Knowledge is Power". well i just hope the knowledge can be use for you guys.
a little notes from my facebook notes :
Mindset bisa diidentikkan dengan berbagai masalah di dunia ini.
mulai dari gosip, kesalahpahaman, global trend, pendapat umum publik, pandangan hidup, cara pandang, pengambilan keputusan. semuanya related with mindset.
Pernahkan kamu membenci seseorang ? kenapa ? pernah kah dianalisa alasannya ? apakah karena dikomporin sama teman ? atau gosip yang negatif ? atau karena km diperlakukan salah ? atau karena iri hati atas kesuksesannya, kebaikannya, tampilan fisik ?
Bahkan aku pun bisa salah. Dulu aku menilai org dari tampilannya. And one day, i realize that it's all wrong. Apakah ada suatu trigger atau kejadian yg luar biasa yg bisa mengubah mindset seseorang yg sudah terpatri lama dalam diri seseorang seperti Wiewie? Tidak juga. Org tersebut dengan melalui proses bisa mengubah pandanganku yg salah tanpa dia sadari. Dengan step2 yang baik, pantang mundur walau aku skeptis, percaya diri walau berhadapan dengan aku yg berusaha mencari flaw dalam plan, mencari tahu pandangan aku yg analitical, berusaha berdiskusi dan menyimak apa yg aku utarakan. And it finally works.
Many factor that can change mindset from outside. For example gossip. Hey gossip is fun too you know. But if the gossip is negative? can you really believe it ? do you know why the gossip start? Is there something behind the rumor? Do you trust your friends ? which one ? the gossip starter or the gossip target?
If you can believe and have faith for something that we cannot see, touch, hear, tast, smell like GOD? Then can you believe in rumor, news, gossip, mailing list, fashion magazine, hoax, spam, YM, facebook, and others ?
I believe that everyone is not born to think negatively, you can change and change can be good as long as you think it's good.
There is no end in change (quote from Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen)
see you blog
I dunno why the choose me for this. Perhaps because that seniors jerk too lazy to do the presentation. hehehehehe... even so i still trust my old motto "Sharing Knowledge is Power". well i just hope the knowledge can be use for you guys.
a little notes from my facebook notes :
Mindset bisa diidentikkan dengan berbagai masalah di dunia ini.
mulai dari gosip, kesalahpahaman, global trend, pendapat umum publik, pandangan hidup, cara pandang, pengambilan keputusan. semuanya related with mindset.
Pernahkan kamu membenci seseorang ? kenapa ? pernah kah dianalisa alasannya ? apakah karena dikomporin sama teman ? atau gosip yang negatif ? atau karena km diperlakukan salah ? atau karena iri hati atas kesuksesannya, kebaikannya, tampilan fisik ?
Bahkan aku pun bisa salah. Dulu aku menilai org dari tampilannya. And one day, i realize that it's all wrong. Apakah ada suatu trigger atau kejadian yg luar biasa yg bisa mengubah mindset seseorang yg sudah terpatri lama dalam diri seseorang seperti Wiewie? Tidak juga. Org tersebut dengan melalui proses bisa mengubah pandanganku yg salah tanpa dia sadari. Dengan step2 yang baik, pantang mundur walau aku skeptis, percaya diri walau berhadapan dengan aku yg berusaha mencari flaw dalam plan, mencari tahu pandangan aku yg analitical, berusaha berdiskusi dan menyimak apa yg aku utarakan. And it finally works.
Many factor that can change mindset from outside. For example gossip. Hey gossip is fun too you know. But if the gossip is negative? can you really believe it ? do you know why the gossip start? Is there something behind the rumor? Do you trust your friends ? which one ? the gossip starter or the gossip target?
If you can believe and have faith for something that we cannot see, touch, hear, tast, smell like GOD? Then can you believe in rumor, news, gossip, mailing list, fashion magazine, hoax, spam, YM, facebook, and others ?
I believe that everyone is not born to think negatively, you can change and change can be good as long as you think it's good.
There is no end in change (quote from Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen)
see you blog
Monday, May 04, 2009
Rough End Week
Ckckckck totally unexpected disaster in my office. Because of that all the IT team committed to do some entry data. Luckily my DTS transfer looks fine.
Well i hope everything will be ok in monday.
Ok then backtrack again.
Some fun time with my friends in BNCC, Let see a reunion in EX. so nice to meet my friends. luv you guys. and gals too.
After that i meet with another junior friend in BNCC HQ. Wow still found many surprise. I actually think that the HQ need a little clean up. Even me who are very ignorant with cleanliness still think that the office a little bit messed up. hahahaha...
Well after a small interview with a guy name Teddy, an activist assign to me. i found out some serious problem in today's generation in BNCC. well let see what i can do in 17 Mei 2009.
see you blog
Well i hope everything will be ok in monday.
Ok then backtrack again.
Some fun time with my friends in BNCC, Let see a reunion in EX. so nice to meet my friends. luv you guys. and gals too.
After that i meet with another junior friend in BNCC HQ. Wow still found many surprise. I actually think that the HQ need a little clean up. Even me who are very ignorant with cleanliness still think that the office a little bit messed up. hahahaha...
Well after a small interview with a guy name Teddy, an activist assign to me. i found out some serious problem in today's generation in BNCC. well let see what i can do in 17 Mei 2009.
see you blog
Friday, April 24, 2009
hehehehe there's a new web game that i found interesting.
it's an avatar game which you cannot control at all. so all you have to do is choose avatar, and enemy, and then watch your avatar kill each other. very kewl.
i sure hopes there'll be many improvement to the websites. such as some customization, pets, playability and perhaps protection agains botter. although the bot can be used for our advantages. because now the website has so many weak ghost avatar to beat.
well my link is in
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it's an avatar game which you cannot control at all. so all you have to do is choose avatar, and enemy, and then watch your avatar kill each other. very kewl.
i sure hopes there'll be many improvement to the websites. such as some customization, pets, playability and perhaps protection agains botter. although the bot can be used for our advantages. because now the website has so many weak ghost avatar to beat.
well my link is in
see you blog
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New Life Born
Wow so many new life that i see and hear this month,
first congrats to my uncle and aunt (10th April), and then my manager for his second (5th April), to Eva n Ichen (2months).
And then i got invitation from Feli to join them in buffet promotion (10 person only pay 7) in pluit "Red Lotus". So there we are, meeting in Ichen's house, and meet Ashley (Feli n Lukas baby), still plumpy as always. and then we all eating buffet in pluit, more exactly in Red Lotus near Stella Maria church. Well not so great but it was very fun. although they all just like to talk about babies, milky thingy, and so "not me talk about" and of course me about single thingy... tsk tsk... that so "makcomblanginisme" plague..... specially that jerk "faran". Man, if you really want to marry just do it "don't put a reason in front of the wall" hehehehe (^_^)v
well after that we decided to visit Yanny's babies. hahahaha so cute too....
ok then after seeing and hearing so many lifeborn, it's time for me to watch cinema... hahaha... but this time chen-chen stuck with me. thanks for that "makcomblanginisme" plague... and also with hardi, we watch "Knowing" in Senayan city. buttttttttttt.... it sold out. and only 2 rows left in front off. so we off to Plaza Senayan. finally we have some seat for the 9 o'clock movies.
well the movie was very exciting and thrilling. Specially the accident events. wow i just can's said a word. it looks very realistic.... and now i almost in the brink of trauma for riding an aeroplane or subway. Unfortunately the anticlimax a bit down for me...... tsk tsk not that another alien thingy again. I just watch "while the earth stood still".... so the alien thingy still in my head....
well after a tiring day, now it's time to rest for tomorrow. coz i want to buy new glasses for me. since the last 4 days it's kind a hard for me to drive. so people if you see black yaris running around like lost cat.... please stay away from it... hiks i'm sorry. but no worries when i have my new glass everything will be fine.
see you blog
first congrats to my uncle and aunt (10th April), and then my manager for his second (5th April), to Eva n Ichen (2months).
And then i got invitation from Feli to join them in buffet promotion (10 person only pay 7) in pluit "Red Lotus". So there we are, meeting in Ichen's house, and meet Ashley (Feli n Lukas baby), still plumpy as always. and then we all eating buffet in pluit, more exactly in Red Lotus near Stella Maria church. Well not so great but it was very fun. although they all just like to talk about babies, milky thingy, and so "not me talk about" and of course me about single thingy... tsk tsk... that so "makcomblanginisme" plague..... specially that jerk "faran". Man, if you really want to marry just do it "don't put a reason in front of the wall" hehehehe (^_^)v
well after that we decided to visit Yanny's babies. hahahaha so cute too....
ok then after seeing and hearing so many lifeborn, it's time for me to watch cinema... hahaha... but this time chen-chen stuck with me. thanks for that "makcomblanginisme" plague... and also with hardi, we watch "Knowing" in Senayan city. buttttttttttt.... it sold out. and only 2 rows left in front off. so we off to Plaza Senayan. finally we have some seat for the 9 o'clock movies.
well the movie was very exciting and thrilling. Specially the accident events. wow i just can's said a word. it looks very realistic.... and now i almost in the brink of trauma for riding an aeroplane or subway. Unfortunately the anticlimax a bit down for me...... tsk tsk not that another alien thingy again. I just watch "while the earth stood still".... so the alien thingy still in my head....
well after a tiring day, now it's time to rest for tomorrow. coz i want to buy new glasses for me. since the last 4 days it's kind a hard for me to drive. so people if you see black yaris running around like lost cat.... please stay away from it... hiks i'm sorry. but no worries when i have my new glass everything will be fine.
see you blog
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
How Deep is Your Love?
Oh my god, what a deep question. no wonder i have a flu and a little dizzy today when i started to think about it.
Well just think about it. Two people who don't know each other. Meet, have fun, get to know each other. And in the process started to think, perhaps they like each others. And a little flaw is ok, after all no one are perfect right?
But what if the flaw can be an obstacle, for example for you parent or family ? can your new love as deep as the old strong family love? Recently i just saw it with my own eyes and ears. Seems so farfetch don't you think so? I still don't know what will be the end. Just hoping a great end. and if not well you can still mend it with another love right?
Next super summary topic
* Well some good news to me because i can get to know a little about her.
* What ? my friend going married in june. and now asking me to help her shopping. for example lingerie. oh please not that i hate that, but at least don't expect to choose. hahahaha just joking Fan. actually she deliberately throw me away when going to that section, but i come back to tell her that i need to leave.
* What is the hell happen in the photo that i have my name tagged in it. Some people started a conversation spamming. ckckckck nice one you two Adit and Felix
* Oh no i'm having a flu. sigh. when can i take a sick leave
* Busy as ever in my office. i even don't have time to chat or answering my handphone. ckckckck i think i better ask to buy an earphone. i started to feel like a customer support.
* Lovey dovey? what got into my sis now. Asking me to add some one. well no harm done anyway. just take your pill and go to sleep ok?
see you blog
Well just think about it. Two people who don't know each other. Meet, have fun, get to know each other. And in the process started to think, perhaps they like each others. And a little flaw is ok, after all no one are perfect right?
But what if the flaw can be an obstacle, for example for you parent or family ? can your new love as deep as the old strong family love? Recently i just saw it with my own eyes and ears. Seems so farfetch don't you think so? I still don't know what will be the end. Just hoping a great end. and if not well you can still mend it with another love right?
Next super summary topic
* Well some good news to me because i can get to know a little about her.
* What ? my friend going married in june. and now asking me to help her shopping. for example lingerie. oh please not that i hate that, but at least don't expect to choose. hahahaha just joking Fan. actually she deliberately throw me away when going to that section, but i come back to tell her that i need to leave.
* What is the hell happen in the photo that i have my name tagged in it. Some people started a conversation spamming. ckckckck nice one you two Adit and Felix
* Oh no i'm having a flu. sigh. when can i take a sick leave
* Busy as ever in my office. i even don't have time to chat or answering my handphone. ckckckck i think i better ask to buy an earphone. i started to feel like a customer support.
* Lovey dovey? what got into my sis now. Asking me to add some one. well no harm done anyway. just take your pill and go to sleep ok?
see you blog
Sunday, March 01, 2009
old anime in 2006, but i just download it few months ago.
well not really a bad anime, especially if you love watching girls kissing each other. hahaha...
it's about a world with 3 nation with very different culture,
the first is the nation with high technology but it's very polluted with smoke and a new disease that plague the people, so they have to use full body protector and a glass googles,
the others, a nation with religious culture that can fly an ancient engine that can fly freely in the sky as a prayer to their god. but now the techno nation wants the engine because they think they the engine can solve their problem for polutted sky and because the engine can become a powerful weapon.
the last nation is very similar with the second, but very poor and so want the resource from both others nation.
so three of them hated each others, cannot speak with each other due to different language, and they want to capture the second nation's engine.
i guess it's so complicated story about hatred and nationalism. how far can you go for your nation?
the other weird things about the anime are they all born as women, in the techno nation, when the babies born, the government will select the gender and operate them. In the 2nd and 3rd nation, the individual can choose the gender after 17 years old. But due to the war, the 2nd nation try to postpone the gender choosing because only the sexless people can fly the ancient engine (by kissing of course)... hahaha... it's not that funny you know if you watch the anime, actually it a kind a serious thing for the culture.... the pilot also act as a priest because flying is the same as praying to god.
the ancient engine it self are very mysterious and even the technician from 2nd nation only know very little about it. If a group of priest fly it in the sky and form a picture, various effect will come that can be used as a weapon. Some dillema for that country because the priest actually didn't like killing.
the anime will tell the story from the 2nd nation team of pilot or priest that trying to understand what this war about, about their duties as a priest who worship god or a citizen that defend their nation, their gender choosing, their attraction with flying and so on.
well that's it
next review will be a bout Heroic Age,
currently watching To Love Ru
see you blog
well not really a bad anime, especially if you love watching girls kissing each other. hahaha...
it's about a world with 3 nation with very different culture,
the first is the nation with high technology but it's very polluted with smoke and a new disease that plague the people, so they have to use full body protector and a glass googles,
the others, a nation with religious culture that can fly an ancient engine that can fly freely in the sky as a prayer to their god. but now the techno nation wants the engine because they think they the engine can solve their problem for polutted sky and because the engine can become a powerful weapon.
the last nation is very similar with the second, but very poor and so want the resource from both others nation.
so three of them hated each others, cannot speak with each other due to different language, and they want to capture the second nation's engine.
i guess it's so complicated story about hatred and nationalism. how far can you go for your nation?
the other weird things about the anime are they all born as women, in the techno nation, when the babies born, the government will select the gender and operate them. In the 2nd and 3rd nation, the individual can choose the gender after 17 years old. But due to the war, the 2nd nation try to postpone the gender choosing because only the sexless people can fly the ancient engine (by kissing of course)... hahaha... it's not that funny you know if you watch the anime, actually it a kind a serious thing for the culture.... the pilot also act as a priest because flying is the same as praying to god.
the ancient engine it self are very mysterious and even the technician from 2nd nation only know very little about it. If a group of priest fly it in the sky and form a picture, various effect will come that can be used as a weapon. Some dillema for that country because the priest actually didn't like killing.
the anime will tell the story from the 2nd nation team of pilot or priest that trying to understand what this war about, about their duties as a priest who worship god or a citizen that defend their nation, their gender choosing, their attraction with flying and so on.
well that's it
next review will be a bout Heroic Age,
currently watching To Love Ru
see you blog
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Testing Foto Picasa
Sorry , testing for my posting blog with picas
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2009 02 - Cibitung Wabin |
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2009 01 - Probo Surabaya |
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2009 01 - Wedding Dewi A |
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Musical Anime ??? "Nodame Cantabile"
At first i really doubt a musical them can be perform beautifully in the anime section, such as singing theme (dragon voice), or dancing theme (ballerina, and others)
But now ....... i totally absorb with this Nodame Cantabile. everything about music , classical music to be exact, like mozart, debussy, concerto orchestra theme. it's just so enliving.... hahahaha and funny too.
first, the summary, It's a story about a boy in college music school, he is VERY ARROGANT and can only be compare with his skill in piano. but of course he also have his own problem, for instance he actually doesn't want to be a pianist, he want to be a conductor for orchestra ????? my god, so what is he doing in Japan, well it's because he so very afraid of planes, ships any other long voyage transportation. Hahahaha that alone already make me laugh already.... (^o^)v
Oh yeah the boy also met a girl, hahahahaha sorry i just can help laughing, this girls is way off more funny. oh my god, this girl's apartment is like a trash can. hahaha and the boy one day bump in her apartment, he just can't stand about it and ran.... yes i mean ran.... totally ran. BTW this girl is very special, she can play piano just by hearing, and she constantly play it as she likes, like changing notes, skip a note. but the music still very good to be hear. her plus someday will become her minus too, since changing a classical music is "blasphemy to god". that's what the teacher said. hahahaha
i remember one time where i watch a movie about Disney Cartoon Fantasia, where there is a section about how Walt create a cartoon base on classical music. I totally still remember Rhapsody Blue, and Walt just imagine a cartoon animation about a city and a guy who tried his own way to live. What a creative imagination. and since then everything about concert orchestra always became a OST for all his creative cartoon.
and now i see it again. When there's a scene about small group of orchestra playing Rhapsody Blue again. it's very inspiring. and funny too. What also i like about this anime, because we can see different side about classical performance. For instance, from the boy, who inspiring to be a conductor, the teacher who always his harisen to beat up the student and now he tried to change his way of teaching, and also the girl, who tried to overcome her uniqueness to tried to enter the orchestra with the boy.......
Hahahaha sorry i still watching it, and i just can't stop laughing.... (^_^)v
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But now ....... i totally absorb with this Nodame Cantabile. everything about music , classical music to be exact, like mozart, debussy, concerto orchestra theme. it's just so enliving.... hahahaha and funny too.
first, the summary, It's a story about a boy in college music school, he is VERY ARROGANT and can only be compare with his skill in piano. but of course he also have his own problem, for instance he actually doesn't want to be a pianist, he want to be a conductor for orchestra ????? my god, so what is he doing in Japan, well it's because he so very afraid of planes, ships any other long voyage transportation. Hahahaha that alone already make me laugh already.... (^o^)v
Oh yeah the boy also met a girl, hahahahaha sorry i just can help laughing, this girls is way off more funny. oh my god, this girl's apartment is like a trash can. hahaha and the boy one day bump in her apartment, he just can't stand about it and ran.... yes i mean ran.... totally ran. BTW this girl is very special, she can play piano just by hearing, and she constantly play it as she likes, like changing notes, skip a note. but the music still very good to be hear. her plus someday will become her minus too, since changing a classical music is "blasphemy to god". that's what the teacher said. hahahaha
i remember one time where i watch a movie about Disney Cartoon Fantasia, where there is a section about how Walt create a cartoon base on classical music. I totally still remember Rhapsody Blue, and Walt just imagine a cartoon animation about a city and a guy who tried his own way to live. What a creative imagination. and since then everything about concert orchestra always became a OST for all his creative cartoon.
and now i see it again. When there's a scene about small group of orchestra playing Rhapsody Blue again. it's very inspiring. and funny too. What also i like about this anime, because we can see different side about classical performance. For instance, from the boy, who inspiring to be a conductor, the teacher who always his harisen to beat up the student and now he tried to change his way of teaching, and also the girl, who tried to overcome her uniqueness to tried to enter the orchestra with the boy.......
Hahahaha sorry i still watching it, and i just can't stop laughing.... (^_^)v
see you blog
Friday, February 20, 2009
Got Trap and Cannot Get Out, "Clannad"
Hmmm, i just get cought by a trap and cannot get out
Well you see recently i just saw a very happy and slow pace anime. But you know, after 2 season (23 + 6++ episodes) i just realize that this anime is actually a really sad sad story..... The name is Clannad, well they said that the title is actually a irish word for "Family"
My god why i don't realize it sooner. sigh... i guess the stories is very well hidden that's because the characters are very cheerful, phragmatic, happy-go-lucky type, and so are the others.
the summary is a kind like this,
"It's about a guy (very phragmatics and as usual hate this world, city and even his family) meet a girl who's not very self-esteem about her self. As usual the boy tried to help the girl to be more socialize and even help her to set up a new Club Theatre in the school , and he do it just because he has nothing to do and bored with this life. LOL.... "
but you know if you check carefully the background reason for everything, there's usually a sad story about it. For example. The reason the boy feeling depressed are because in the past he and his dad always fighting (in a bad way) after the mother died. Then one day, he was push against the wall and his collar bone relocate, so his dreams to join the basketball team is ruined. since then his dad never interacts again, and they just passing by in the same house rarely talk although his father looks very calm but he always drinks and asleep in the house.
the girl found out about this story when she asked him to play basketball eventhough she has a weak body .... oh yeah did i mention the reason the girl is not very sociable because she is sick for almost a year and have to rejoin the class again. hiks yeah i've been there too, when i repeating class in my college. meeting new friends, new teacher, .... yeah a lot of work....
oops another sad stories again. Ok then continue again, when it's raining, the boy thinks that the girl will not wait for her. after a while, the boy come to the field and find the girl is waiting for him, she ask him to throw the ball up close, coz she never seen it from close. The boy started to throw but he can't lift his right hand above the shoulder..... (a very sad event). and the story go on.... (the girl collapse, my god, a weak body and waiting under the rain is not a very good combination, but they will overcome this situation later)
in overall, the story is very good, not too slow, not too fast just quite alright, oh yeah there a lot of side story (a ghost girl, a genius girls, a very strong girl, twins girls, the boy best friend) and very funny characters and a very smart act.
and i just cannot get my self out from this traps. and the second season just get out this year (which i just realize will be a lot sadder) hiks...... god d**n japanese, how can they make such a great anime....
Notes = it seems there's a small side story in the beginning and end of the anime which has nothing to do with the story. "It's about a world where everthing already end. the world is dying, nothing born, nothing die, nothing born. There a girl who live in the house, she can not die so it seems that she is the only person in the world. So she collect juns, bolt, can and make a new body for some one. and that "spirit" accepts her invitation and became alive and just wandering around the girls in this lifeless world" The spirit it self became the narrator in that story
What a weird side story.
see you blog
Well you see recently i just saw a very happy and slow pace anime. But you know, after 2 season (23 + 6++ episodes) i just realize that this anime is actually a really sad sad story..... The name is Clannad, well they said that the title is actually a irish word for "Family"
My god why i don't realize it sooner. sigh... i guess the stories is very well hidden that's because the characters are very cheerful, phragmatic, happy-go-lucky type, and so are the others.
the summary is a kind like this,
"It's about a guy (very phragmatics and as usual hate this world, city and even his family) meet a girl who's not very self-esteem about her self. As usual the boy tried to help the girl to be more socialize and even help her to set up a new Club Theatre in the school , and he do it just because he has nothing to do and bored with this life. LOL.... "
but you know if you check carefully the background reason for everything, there's usually a sad story about it. For example. The reason the boy feeling depressed are because in the past he and his dad always fighting (in a bad way) after the mother died. Then one day, he was push against the wall and his collar bone relocate, so his dreams to join the basketball team is ruined. since then his dad never interacts again, and they just passing by in the same house rarely talk although his father looks very calm but he always drinks and asleep in the house.
the girl found out about this story when she asked him to play basketball eventhough she has a weak body .... oh yeah did i mention the reason the girl is not very sociable because she is sick for almost a year and have to rejoin the class again. hiks yeah i've been there too, when i repeating class in my college. meeting new friends, new teacher, .... yeah a lot of work....
oops another sad stories again. Ok then continue again, when it's raining, the boy thinks that the girl will not wait for her. after a while, the boy come to the field and find the girl is waiting for him, she ask him to throw the ball up close, coz she never seen it from close. The boy started to throw but he can't lift his right hand above the shoulder..... (a very sad event). and the story go on.... (the girl collapse, my god, a weak body and waiting under the rain is not a very good combination, but they will overcome this situation later)
in overall, the story is very good, not too slow, not too fast just quite alright, oh yeah there a lot of side story (a ghost girl, a genius girls, a very strong girl, twins girls, the boy best friend) and very funny characters and a very smart act.
and i just cannot get my self out from this traps. and the second season just get out this year (which i just realize will be a lot sadder) hiks...... god d**n japanese, how can they make such a great anime....
Notes = it seems there's a small side story in the beginning and end of the anime which has nothing to do with the story. "It's about a world where everthing already end. the world is dying, nothing born, nothing die, nothing born. There a girl who live in the house, she can not die so it seems that she is the only person in the world. So she collect juns, bolt, can and make a new body for some one. and that "spirit" accepts her invitation and became alive and just wandering around the girls in this lifeless world" The spirit it self became the narrator in that story
What a weird side story.
see you blog
Friday, January 30, 2009
Suara Abis
Buset deh abis pulang dari Surabaya - Probolinggo - Situbondo jadi sakit deh
Minggu - Pusink dan agak lemas tepat sehabis dapet angpao
Senin - Demam Panas Dalem
Selasa - Pilek dan batuk
Rabu - Paksa masuk kerja - Pusink dan lemes2
Kamis - Masih pusink tapi malemnya mati lampu
Jumat - Agak segeran setelah tidur dari jam 8 malam sampai 6 pagi. Tapi suara abis.
entar minggu ketemuan ama budse dan lain lain. semoga rame
see you blog
Minggu - Pusink dan agak lemas tepat sehabis dapet angpao
Senin - Demam Panas Dalem
Selasa - Pilek dan batuk
Rabu - Paksa masuk kerja - Pusink dan lemes2
Kamis - Masih pusink tapi malemnya mati lampu
Jumat - Agak segeran setelah tidur dari jam 8 malam sampai 6 pagi. Tapi suara abis.
entar minggu ketemuan ama budse dan lain lain. semoga rame
see you blog
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Open BOR
lagi ada mainan baru.
Open BOR.
masih inget game kayaq Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle jaman dulu banget? atau Golden Axe, atau double Dragon yang Nes atau Snes? nah BOR itu buat bantu kita buat game kayaq gitu.
nama genre gamenya, "Side Scrolling Beat'm Up" games. yah saat ini sedang bereksperimen dengan ambil sprite dari game kesukaan ku yaitu Ragnarok Battle Offline. lalu akan aku padukan dengan engine OpenBOR ini.
semoga sukses
site baruku di google site. hehehe lebih gede dari geocities yg cuma dikasih 15 MB. gsite memberikan 100 MB. wow
topik animation di rbo - link
about open BOR - link
see you blog
Open BOR.
masih inget game kayaq Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle jaman dulu banget? atau Golden Axe, atau double Dragon yang Nes atau Snes? nah BOR itu buat bantu kita buat game kayaq gitu.
nama genre gamenya, "Side Scrolling Beat'm Up" games. yah saat ini sedang bereksperimen dengan ambil sprite dari game kesukaan ku yaitu Ragnarok Battle Offline. lalu akan aku padukan dengan engine OpenBOR ini.
semoga sukses
site baruku di google site. hehehe lebih gede dari geocities yg cuma dikasih 15 MB. gsite memberikan 100 MB. wow
topik animation di rbo - link
about open BOR - link
see you blog
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Farewell & My Lady (ost xxxHolic Kei 2nd season)
Opening song
farewell to all the kisses that have come before
farewell to that beloved pain of the heart
leaving that as that
somehow, i'm alive once again today.
loneliness, the past, and gloom,
lust, friends, and reason.
from tomorrow onwards, we will surely be on the verge of death without laughing again
someday, if i believe will these feelings be properly conveyed?
don't joke around,
because isn't it the truth?
i don't want to run anywhere anymore.
somebody say "yes,"
because i can't go back to the place of yesterday
where i was with you.
because nobody wants to make excuses anymore,
that's why i said "yes."
because not anyone will do, isn't that right?
if it's not you, i don't need it.
nobody knows the answer
a song that reflected my hearts when i remember my past that is still my present and future.
Ending song
my lady, please let me see you
once again in you dreams
my honey, tell me again and again i'm lovin'.
take it all to where you are
and we'll build a rainbow bridge.
it would be nice to see you again tonight.
when you're here, every day is fun.
the more i'm blessed by you, the more i want to be with you.
work, play and study,
i enjoy them more than ever.
you are in love, right?
so i guess this is love.
i love all of you,
more than any of those idols or models.
every part of you is just right; your size,
your eyes, hands, and the smell of your hair.
and more than anything, i want to be together,
i don't need anything else, together it's all fine.
my lady, please let me see you
once again in you dreams
My baby, tell me again and again that melody i want to hear.
take it all to where you are,
and we'll build a rainbow bridge.
it would be nice to see you again tonight.
for good men there are
good women
for good women there are
good men
a happy song when i remember about it.
see you blog
farewell to all the kisses that have come before
farewell to that beloved pain of the heart
leaving that as that
somehow, i'm alive once again today.
loneliness, the past, and gloom,
lust, friends, and reason.
from tomorrow onwards, we will surely be on the verge of death without laughing again
someday, if i believe will these feelings be properly conveyed?
don't joke around,
because isn't it the truth?
i don't want to run anywhere anymore.
somebody say "yes,"
because i can't go back to the place of yesterday
where i was with you.
because nobody wants to make excuses anymore,
that's why i said "yes."
because not anyone will do, isn't that right?
if it's not you, i don't need it.
nobody knows the answer
a song that reflected my hearts when i remember my past that is still my present and future.
Ending song
my lady, please let me see you
once again in you dreams
my honey, tell me again and again i'm lovin'.
take it all to where you are
and we'll build a rainbow bridge.
it would be nice to see you again tonight.
when you're here, every day is fun.
the more i'm blessed by you, the more i want to be with you.
work, play and study,
i enjoy them more than ever.
you are in love, right?
so i guess this is love.
i love all of you,
more than any of those idols or models.
every part of you is just right; your size,
your eyes, hands, and the smell of your hair.
and more than anything, i want to be together,
i don't need anything else, together it's all fine.
my lady, please let me see you
once again in you dreams
My baby, tell me again and again that melody i want to hear.
take it all to where you are,
and we'll build a rainbow bridge.
it would be nice to see you again tonight.
for good men there are
good women
for good women there are
good men
a happy song when i remember about it.
see you blog
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