Saturday, August 16, 2008

Independence Holiday

OK first the trip to bandung is cancel due to too little people join. sigh. oh well at least i can stay at home, being lazy and watch Wall-E movie. anybody want to join. I already asked her, but she's busy. sigh

i just remember a nice dream from my sleep a few nights ago. It's a beautiful dream, but when i woke up i just feels not good. because the dreams is only a dream and it's not happening. My hearts just feels in wreck thinking of it. So what's the dream anyway? it's a secret.... (^_^)v

Just recently chat with bncc friends, and the words is not satisfying.... perhaps i can do something to help... sigh feeling depressed just by remember that conversation.... hey perhaps that's i why having those dreams....

see you blog

My New Router

Wow finally i have a wireless router. isn't it nice? i'm always a little techno guy in heart. Hehehe now i can share fastnet connection with my sister's laptop.

Actually it's my own laptop anyway. Can you imagine that? my spoiled sister always complaining that her laptop doesn't have a wireless built-in. and now that recently her laptop power outlet is a kind of broken, and she needs a laptop, so i gave my laptop. well it's ok since i have a new lcd anyway so enjoy playing in my pc than my laptop.

My laptop is ASUS M5200NP. kind of old buyt sturdy and the only thing that broken is the battery. it can only work on a/c power outlet.

So my wireless router is WRT54G2. black and sleek. kind of cool. it's so easy to setup. i just plug in the internet, and connect the network cable. and voila, i have an internet router.

First try to connect in the internet in the pc. OK done. it's working/
Second tried to connect using Laptop. failed because i set it using WEP security....
Third tried using my nintendo DS to connect to internet for playing Mario Kart. it's worked. i'm so happy.
lastly, i change the setting to WPA security keys. and the laptop can connect to internet now. humm why it can only connect using WPA? humm that's mean if i want to connect using NDS i have to change it using WEP, thus the laptop cannot connect.

ow well not everything is perfect....

see you blog

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bandung Next Week

So we have a plan to go to Bandung Next Week. hooray. i think i'm in need of vacation....

my god the work is slowly killing me. ehm so we talk about my work first ok? it's my blog and i can do anything heh?

my first comment. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my god please save me from this living hell.

yes it quite hectic last week. it's what i called the "closing month of accounting and finance". and the ERP software just don't do anything that i said. i said "sleep! god d**mned it". and the Black May problem arise again this July. Many GL datas are gone. WTF????? gone again. OMG what should i do? my manager immediatelly cancel all my short term job and take me to the server in cibitung... *sigh* i thinks the SQL got something to do about it, then again what am i? a pro in SQL ? unlikely. Or perhaps a virus? the server has a virus, i just know it when the server suddenly semi-hang and the fan just bursting like crazy, and i decided to restart. (critical process in task manager up to 100% and sqlserver memory takes 600MB, and memory left about 15 MB)

when the server restart, it show a message about "Surabaya or something and about lost love and bla bla". yupp definitely a virus. the manager request me to immediately fix it after this closing month to stop this craziness. yeah i'm almost crazy there too you know. right now planning on formatting the server and auditing the data.

Talking about auditing, i think my new role is to inspect all erp data, apps, everthing related to ERP for all unit. in other words, auditing application started from exes, table structure, module features, dts and all aspects. hummm i kind of excited about this, though i'm not showing it. i still have my poker face, you know.

(^_^)v ===> happy excited coz a new challenge

so after all the hectic my friends offered me to go to bandung to relax and have some fun. hmm sounds good, why not. i can offered them to use my car. with Lukas and Felicia. and Hardi. i dunno perhaps i should invited someone.... replies until now... none. courage to ask ... well 50% more less. (wiewie is being mysterious)

well just checking about the cost of motel in bandung and looking for some good place to hang out... the schedule 16 - 17 august or perhaps 18. i dunno no detail plans right now. all i can tell is the transportation is no problem.

thinking of vacation to korea or just stay at home with sister and let my parent take vacation on a tour to korea. well if i have to stay at home then i will have rave party at home.

Notes Wiewie's definition of Rave Party = sleeping like a bear, with many foods around me and pc downloading animes or doing something unimportant like playing nds. all night and day long"

see you blog


Thanks to my friend, Hardi, now i'm joining the hub in playing Travian.

it seems that travian is a war games from german. it has won the award for best games ideas in 2006 germany. hmm cools. and i'm sure some scientist is making a great breakthrough in studying this war behaviour statistics just like i know from that the statistic is used for study.

FYI. Travian is web based war game. using village as our home base and we can select one of the 3 races; Gauls, Teutons, and Romans. the visualization is cute and simple. and there so many advance feature for more advance player. and luckily i'm using Mozilla as my browser and if you're using GreaseMonkey as an add-on, you can install many script to support your playing experience in Travian. Because keep tracking the resource, upgrading and counting resource is kind a hard and tedious and stupid too.

my favourite script are ==> beyond language ==> Travian: Village Manager 1.6. ==> Travian: Resource++ v4 ==> queue later ==> mod kit ==> extended map ==> checking nature resource on hover ==> large map (not tested) ==> auto login. good for 1 user and 1 pc ==> using Q textbox to fill X and Y ==> easy message delete ==> attack builder wave complex (not tested)

and there is also a website dedicated to view the large map and the statistic view of some aspect

The world in travian is in many countries such as Indonesia (1 online and 1 more in the future) and already restarted several times. You can also buy gold using credit card to get more bonus in game.

i also join an alliance with my friends and hopefully can achieve more rankings. hehehe talk about war games. today i just receive from one of my easy-target-village to not attack him too often. i said sorry and i will not attack him/her for 1 week from now. *sigh* i think i'm just too nice. don't you think? If my alliance friends know about this they would say "for god sake, wiewie, we are in an online war games. the games designs it so we have to attack other village and raid their resource. you don't have to say sorry. noob!!!!" hahahaha

continue to next post about Bandung

Game History From Me

berikut adalah cuplikan posting saya di tanggal 4 Juli 2008

to me nds still the best.
aku tipe org yg gak suka teknologi wasted dan lebih suka smart technology sih.

maksdnya sih kayaq gini. ada hp yg kameranya 2 di depan n belakang. totally wasted. yg smart adalah hp yg pasang cermin atau besi mengkilap di samping lensa belakang. lebih smart.

kalo di psp yang kumaksud adalah umd disc nya. bener2 aneh pilihan sony untuk membuat umd di belakang nya psp. motornya itu loh. gak kebayang deh umur batere dan panasnya. kenapa dia gak bikin usb 8 gb atau 4 gb yg bisa dicabut copot kayaq mp3 player (just my dream). biasanya handheld sih pakai rom,

terus yg buat aku ill feel sih waktu awal psp promosi dan banyak berita2 interview dengan sony atau jubirnya koq kesannya sony arogan banget. (saya memang suka baca berita game). banyak yg bisa aku kasih contoh sih misalnya masalah batere gak tahan lama = katanya biar gamer gak terlalu sering main. atau waktu pilih umd sebagai pilihan media = katanya no problem pasti sukses. atau tombol kedeketan ama layar = salah gamer kenapa tekennya kuat banget (yg terakhir cuma imajinasi saya)

so bukannya memojokkan psp. emang psp ada kelebihannya di banding nds. yaitu grafis yang super. n mungkin ukurannya lebih besar sih (gak tertarik handheld yg lebih besar dari gameboy). i prefer nds karena playabilitynya lebih asik (pakai touch screen loh dan kadang tiup pakai mic) *cuma ngebales sony yg bilang kalo pemakai nds adalah anak2 yg belum dewasa dan mereka akan jadi dewasa kalo main psp.....* yah sejujurnya sih semua pemilik nds yg kukenal adalah para keponakan ku yg notabene sekitar 4-6 sd.... sigh

so kalo sony gak rese, apakah sy akan beli psp? mungkin. kalo rese? ya sudah pasti illfeel duluan deh.

karena postingnya udah panjang. sekalian juga deh cerita soal nintendo.

dulu nintendo juga pernah rese. waktu jaman nes sampai snes kan seri final fantasy berjaya terus kan? dan nintendo selalu pakai rom. kebalikan dari handheld, consol rumahan sebaiknya pakai media yg lebih gede n powerful kayaq CD atau DVD. suatu langkah yg disarankan squaresoft pada nintendo. tujuannya sih karena media rom saat itu sangat terbatas dan squaresoft mau buat game FF yg super keren jadi sulit.

lalu nintendo ogah upgrade walau squaresoft yg sudah menjadi big company memohon-mohon. dan pindahlah squaresoft kepada sony. yaitu ps yang menggunakan media cd... waktu itu gw illfeel sama nintendo dan arogansinya.

snes pun mati dan emulatornya berjaya, Sony PS jadi raja konsol, ps2 juga jadi raja, ps3 belum (berharap wii yg menang sih karena namanya mirip nama sya *bleh*) , lalu saya ketiduran.... zzzz.

sekian history yg saya ketahui.

game yg sedang dimainkan :
The world end with you
drone tactics
megaman starforce 2 zerker x saurian
summon night 2
nanostray 2
FF Rev wings

kapan disgaea 2 muncul sih....

see you blog