Monday, May 18, 2009


Yesterday 17 Mei 2009, I was asked to give a presentation about Mindset by my junior in BNCC, it was a very broad topic which i managed to trim it into 1 specific topic which is Mindset of Confidence.

I dunno why the choose me for this. Perhaps because that seniors jerk too lazy to do the presentation. hehehehehe... even so i still trust my old motto "Sharing Knowledge is Power". well i just hope the knowledge can be use for you guys.

a little notes from my facebook notes :


Mindset bisa diidentikkan dengan berbagai masalah di dunia ini.

mulai dari gosip, kesalahpahaman, global trend, pendapat umum publik, pandangan hidup, cara pandang, pengambilan keputusan. semuanya related with mindset.

Pernahkan kamu membenci seseorang ? kenapa ? pernah kah dianalisa alasannya ? apakah karena dikomporin sama teman ? atau gosip yang negatif ? atau karena km diperlakukan salah ? atau karena iri hati atas kesuksesannya, kebaikannya, tampilan fisik ?

Bahkan aku pun bisa salah. Dulu aku menilai org dari tampilannya. And one day, i realize that it's all wrong. Apakah ada suatu trigger atau kejadian yg luar biasa yg bisa mengubah mindset seseorang yg sudah terpatri lama dalam diri seseorang seperti Wiewie? Tidak juga. Org tersebut dengan melalui proses bisa mengubah pandanganku yg salah tanpa dia sadari. Dengan step2 yang baik, pantang mundur walau aku skeptis, percaya diri walau berhadapan dengan aku yg berusaha mencari flaw dalam plan, mencari tahu pandangan aku yg analitical, berusaha berdiskusi dan menyimak apa yg aku utarakan. And it finally works.

Many factor that can change mindset from outside. For example gossip. Hey gossip is fun too you know. But if the gossip is negative? can you really believe it ? do you know why the gossip start? Is there something behind the rumor? Do you trust your friends ? which one ? the gossip starter or the gossip target?

If you can believe and have faith for something that we cannot see, touch, hear, tast, smell like GOD? Then can you believe in rumor, news, gossip, mailing list, fashion magazine, hoax, spam, YM, facebook, and others ?

I believe that everyone is not born to think negatively, you can change and change can be good as long as you think it's good.

There is no end in change (quote from Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen)

see you blog

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