Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dark Knight in FX Mall

Today i watch Dark Knight in FX. it's a new mall. I think it's a hip mall with colorful decoration and attractive especially for young people. and it has 7 floor sliding. Isn't that cool? You for opening season you can ride it by showing it the bill from anything you buy in the mall. Unfortunately almost everyone wants to ride so it's very crowded.

ok then straight to Platinum 21. Wow the character sure develop much further. Some plot i already recognize and i knew that the woman should died. hehehe sorry a little spoiler there. The Joker is a very interesting character. Very mad of course and the intense of his character clashing with batman is very heart taking and makes your mind crazy. Oh yeah did i mention that this movie is quite long about 2,5 hours. When batman finally capture joker i thought the movie is over and finally happy ending but it turn out still have a very intense climax again right until the end.

Now i understand why batman comic so popular, i reference it to the comic because they said that dark knight 1 and 2 reference closely with the comic. The path to become crusader of justice is not easy. The movie shows us about 3 people that fought crimes with their own way. Gordon as simple police officer to do things right and in course. Harvey Dent who wants to capture crimes in court politics along with the complex tolerance and smart moves. Batman the vigilante who can do things outside the law that the two others cannot do. Bruce wayne character is not so revealed in the movie ( i guess they already show bruce to much in all the 1st movie)

Out of the three who can stand last against this Joker guy?

ah feeling sleepy now. i guess i better sleep.

see you blog

Another Lesson in Wiewie's life

so i finally understood something in my relationship with many of my friends. well at least one of them. Some of them are couples and that't a tricky things you know.... because i knew both of them. The tricky thing if they separated for a while or ever or just mad at each other. Guess who's between them... not me of course, i'm not that tentative or best doctor in town.

But i occasionally meet at least one of them. Just so strange that suddenly one doesn't speak of others. hummmmm my love instinct kick in, and i just shut up. *laughing* it doesn't have to mean i'm very empathy to her you know. It just that i'm a kind of people that doesn't want to help those who don't want to help them selves. If she want to speak about it, i'm all ear.

So what's the lesson anyway? well for me is if a couple doesn't start talking about the other couple well just don't started it. who knows they already separated (i'm not in gossip's circle society) or just don't want to talk about it.

Today i learn some facts about a couple who happen to be my friends. dunno what happen with them, but i do care about them (one of them have a special birthday that i always remember) and that's why i act as the way i act now.

Another share of heart again from me.

sigh what else beside sharing, it is my blog you know.

Talking about advice. sure giving advice, solution and support is easy but how do you know what's right for them? Once i'm a junior seeking advice from my seniors, and now it's my turn giving advice to my young friends.

Being a technical guy i'm so straight forward, so they asked i answered, they have a problem i gives solution. Everything so simple so those day. But now i realized that not all problem needs solutions and not all advice needs to be given. Giving advice is more like a double-edge sword to me. If the intention is good can it go wrong ? yes it can. So in my hearts i'm truly wish they can understand that judgement should be given both sides because everything in life have two sides (more if you creative).

for example you see a man doing hard work. what do they think?

some think "he is dilligent"
some think "he probably trying to impress the boss"

"Dualism in life" that is what i say.... If you were given advice especially from someone that so sure with him self (like me) or someone that you highly respect, will you take them for granted? i surely hope not.

see you blog

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Blog Widget

yup akhirny ada sedikit perubahan di blog ku. cuma tambah dikit sih....

* recent readers
* rss feed
* related link

sedang berpikir untuk tambahin translation widget dan label clouds.

Oh iya selama bbrp hari ini aku pusink banget cari widget untuk recent readers. gilaa susah banget carinya. udah obok-obok web mybloglog, lihat help, search google.... pusink banget. akhirnya ketemu juga link helpnya disini,

ternyata emang karena arsitektur webnya jadi kelihatan susah dan terkubur di link2 lain. kata authornya sih akan dibuat lebih simpel carinya.... i feel so happy that i finally have a recent readers widgets. kata fany "buat apaan ada gituan, yang lihat blog u kan gak ada!!! hahahahaha" jahat banget ya dia (^_^)v

kan banyak pembaca rahasia.... hehehe

hummmmmmm kayaq blog aku keren banget aja. hahahaha....

besok si Fany mau Jakarta. hehehehe itu rahasia gak ya Fan? nanti banyak fans yg ngejar pula lagi. di dia terpilih jadi nona manizzzz. ckckckckck astaga banget deh. tapi congrats ya.


Fany Si Blogger Manis

Siapa tak kenal Fany, blogger manis dari Semarang? Di tengah gemuruh dan keriuhan ranah blog yang kian sesak, Fany Ariasari, 25 tahun, ibarat permata mutu manikam yang menyedot perhatian para blogger.

see you blog

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kartel SMS

tadi baru aja isi komentar di detik mengenai kartel SMS. kata para operator cara kpk hitung kerugiannya salah. malah dengan adanya berbagai biaya dan lainnya serta inflasi justru konsumen diuntungkan, kan harga sms selalu tetap 350... yah jadi kesel dikit sih. jadi aku sedikit komentar pedas

yah intinya susah menjadi "A Good Corporate for Consumer". kenapa ya kadang perusahaan itu arogan ,dan pinginnya duit melulu.. gak punya good intention pada kita. huh

semoga company-ku tidak seperti itu.

eh karena sekarang aku udah ada fastnet unlimited 384 jadi bisa lebih banyak bermain di internet. mumpung abis beli buku "Tips Trik Pilihan Blogger" jadi aku mau tes beberapa triknya deh.

semoga blog ku tidak hancur.

see you blog