Monday, June 30, 2008

PS. I Love You

Salah satu film dvd yg baru tadi malam aku tonton.

*sigh* sedih banget... tapi aku kagum ama cowoknya. gila pinter abis. semuanya demi cewek yg dia cintai.... hiks....

salah satu alasan kenapa aku gak suka film sedih. bikin depresi waktu filmnya selesai. yah setidaknya ada secercah harapan di akhir film. dibilang happy ya tidak ,dibilang sad sih sepanjang film. walau diselepin humor2 romantis (ada juga humor situasi)

"My fiancee broke up with me and going with my best friend"
"my best friends is a woman"
"she said that she could stay with me if i were a woman"
"hmm carcastrated me will be a step toward that goal isn't it?"
"actually my best friends is actually my ex-ex-fiancee"
"and she is my business partner, we started a business with my money"
"so not only that i lose my fiancee, but also my business partner and my money also."

yah penderitaan seorang cowok. kasihan sampai tertawa melihat penderitaan org lain.

Note: Oh iya ada 2 temen cewek special yg ulang tahun tgl 1 juli nanti. hohoho karena belum waktunya nanti dulu aja deh selamatnya.

see you later blog

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Workplace Link said...

Iya seh Wi, emank kata Feli ini film bagus bgt altough kinnda sad at the end. The boy got forgotten in the end.

Hey Why dont ya add me to your blogs

Wiewie said...

in the process of adding. thank you for the comment. ga nyangka u baca ginian juga. hahaha (^^)v

the other boy got remembered koq. mungkin bisa jadian, mungkin tidak.